Nexus client Wallpapers Facemaker

To install Nexus TK, download the installation file using the links provided below. You can save this file anywhere on your computer. When the download is complete start the installation by double-clicking on it. Follow the installation directions. If you have any problems with the downloads check out our download support page. We look forward to seeing you in the Nexus shortly.

Nexus requires a minimum resolution of 1024x768.

Single file download from KRU

Nexus TK 7.52 (227MB)

* if you experience .Net Framework error, please download and install .Net Framework 3.5 from the link below.

.Net Framework 3.5 (download from KRU web)
.Net Framework 3.5 (download from Microsoft)

* if you experience MSVCR100.dll error, please download and install Visual C++ 2010 Redist. Package from the link below.

Visual C++ 2010 Redist. Package (download from KRU web)
Visual C++ 2010 Redist. Package (download from Microsoft)

(Method 1) If you already have Nexus installed, but cannot patch, download this file and install it in your Nexus directory.

Nexus TK Updater (any previous version to current version) (12.2MB)

(Method 2) If you already have Nexus installed, but cannot patch, download this file, unzip, and replace the NexusUpdater.exe in the NexusTK directory.

Nexus TK Updater zip file

When the download and installation has been completed, click the 'NexusTK' icon on your desktop or NextAeon from your Start Menu to initiate the opening screen of the game.

Click 'new' to create your character.

You can play up to level 49. To continue playing your trial character you will need to register a paying account at account page.

You can then continue playing your trial character on your registered account. Your character name and password will stay the same.

The world of NexusTK opens up to you when you register an account. You can:

customize your own portrait/profile,
join a clan,
participate in longer, more involved, and more rewarding quests,
access all bulletin boards,
join a subpath,
access dozens more spells, items, and maps,
challenge intelligent monsters,
participate in the popular Elixir War event